I did have a hard time when it came to bending my left leg (this is my amputated leg) but I improvised. It's amazing when you don't have that calf strength or knee there any longer.
THEN came the sitting on the floor to exercise. All the ladies gracefully sat down and here I am "PLUNK" as my leg hit the mat, no gracefulness from me!! I must say I rocked in these core and floor exercises! I do many of these core exercises in physical therapy - they are beneficial in helping to build my body strength!!!
Oh then came the getting up from that mat in Yoga - luckily my Physical Therapist helped me yesterday with those moves! So while we are doing our last stretches and everyone's eyes were still closed, I made my move and did my "prosthetic leg kick back and good knee bent move" and pushed myself up - without crutches! I was afraid of biffing it big time in front of everyone, but I did so well! Which was a BIG move for me!!
Many of the Yoga participants came up and congratulated me on how well I did and hoped to see me again! They will. . .
I think Yoga is a great way for me to start building my body strength along with of course my physical therapy!!!